Saturday, January 7, 2012

Defending Champion Gary Long and Norm Gaudette

Gunner Gaudette

Gary and Gerald (Gary is the one chirping)
Picture courtesy of Brent Hurtibise

Norm Gaudette
1.     How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?  31st.  I'm still trying to figure out how I was paired with Gary Long. 

2.     Who do you think will win it all? Sullivan and Nate

3.     Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round? Other than ourselves I would have to say Donnelly and Barrett

4.     What is your favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much?Philippines because everything is so cheap

5.     Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why? Montreal is the best Toronto is the worst (enough said about Norm's hockey scouting - check the standings lately Norm - do you speak French?  Their may be a job for you any day now - must be willing to relocate and deal with people who think the Habnots really have a better than average hockey team)

6.     If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role? Paul Kretz

7.     Pajamas, in the buff or something else? buff

8.     Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25
                  0 hard to make friends

9.     If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? Spiderman

10.  If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be?Pantyhose remover

11.     Why did you come back to BFRC?  Good question.  I think primarily for a chance to play with Ray and Gary

12.     Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)?Should be equal

Gary Long
1.     How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?
Depends on the quantum ratio amount invested at current inflationary and COLA rates.  (Gary has applied to be Canada's next Chief Economist)
2.     Who do you think will win it all?
The team that wins the most games

3.     Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?
The highest paid for team (could be a shot at Nate and Sully or the consortium that bought them last year)

4.     What is your favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much?
Any bar because so many to choose from

5.     Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why?
Toronto and Toronto (I hear ya!)

6.     If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role? Ron Jeremy (or Ray Pozzo if Ron was not available)

7.     Pajamas, in the buff or something else?

8.     Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25
According to ex-wife not enough

9.     If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
The invisible man

10.   If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be?
To know everything …. Since I’m already called “never wrong Long”

11.  Tell us one thing about yourself that none of the Calcutta participants would already know?
I’m  sensitive to my playing partner’s feelings (I really believe him)

12.            Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)?

Ted, I don’t understand the question, do you?

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