Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Billy Brock and Byron Oliver Goodwin

Byron Goodwin

Bill Brock (Al stay in the corner)

Bill Brock
1.     How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?
If Byron plays to his potential, we should do well!!

2.     Who do you think will win it all? If Byron doesn’t fuck up then we should win!!

3.     Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round? Long and the Pirate!!

4.     What is our favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much? Myrtle Beach, because it’s the only place I’ve been!

5.     Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why? Love the Hawks, despise the Canadiens!! (Bill knows a lot about sports)

6.     If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role? Steve McQueen because he looks like me………(Bill you wear glasses)

7.     Pajamas, in the buff or something else? T-Shirt only

8.     Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25

As you know, I’m very “easy”……..more than 10 of each………

9.     If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
Bob Sullivan or Charlie Sheen…….I want to know how they survive each week………

10.   If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be? That’s easy………The Shadow  … invisible………

11.   Tell us one thing about yourself that none of the Calcutta participants would already know?  My favorite colour is “pink”………

12.    Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)? I’ve played with both and it’s easily Charuk….however the Pirate is gaining fast………..
Byron Goodwin
1.     How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?
I think we will do better than most people think
2.     Who do you think will win it all?
Clark & Litton

3.     Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?
Drew & Green

4.     What is our favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much?
Manitoba. Because it’s always so warm there.  Friendliest province in the country don’t you know. (Nice place to be from)

5.     Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why?
Favorite: The Jets.  Least Favorite: Montreal
The Best are from the West (then why are the Bombers playing in the East?)

6.     If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role?
A young Alec Baldwin with his 30 Rock delivery. (you know there is a resemblance)
7.        Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25
Are you f@cking serious?  If I told, Nate would have to punch them all…(ask him….trust me)

8.     If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
Jim Morrison

9.             If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be?
I would want to have a Super Liver.  It would allow me to drink anything and everything under the moon.
10.            Tell us one thing about yourself that none of the Calcutta participants would already know?
I’m a very humble, shy person.

11.            Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)?

Mike Donnelly
12.Pajamas, in the buff or something else?
Banana Boat - right click on the link below to see why

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