Sunday, January 20, 2013

Never Wrong Long and Clive Crazy Legs Cawse

Okay now here is an entertaining team that everyone looks forward to seeing play.  Gary's game remains steady and Clive digs like hell and is a little unpredictable.  At -1 they should not be discounted as a potential force to be reckoned with

Gary Long

What is your greatest weakness?
 Coyote ugly

What is the most memorable or favourite sporting event you ever attended? 
I was at last 3 jays games of the season vs. Detroit at Tiger stadium (1987) when Jays only need one win to force a one game regular season playoff.  Didn’t happen they lost all 3 by 1 run.  (Ouch I still remember that)

Who is your favourite James Bond girl?  
you kidding me: pussy galore, don’t care what she look’s like, gotta love a girl with a name like that

Favourite movie all time? 
Any movie starring Fluffer : Ray Pozzo

What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta?
Any team that has a handicap committee member on it … our handicap should have been higher (This from a former champion and 2012 semi finalist?)

How do you think Byron broke his leg?
What happens in ????, stays in ????

How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?
Bet on us and I’ll tell you later

If the Calcutta was like Survivor, who would be first voted off the island and who would be your favourite to win based on their ability to outthink, outwit and outlast the others?

That’s easy Peter Lemeiux cause he’s  the one to outthink, outwit and outlast the others…. Oh sorry , that was before he stopped eating , drinking, fornicating , etc. ,etc,.  He used to be one of use now he’s just and an in shape broken down doubles player

Taylor Swift or Rihanna or Shania?
Shania, cause if a guy name Mutt did her, I may have a chance

What is your favourite meal?
Love those chicken wings also plain hamburger 

What do you want to be doing five years from now?
Living off my Calcutta winnings (below the poverty level)

Clive Cawse

What is your greatest weakness?

What is the most memorable or favourite sporting event you ever attended?

World cup: - In the final, held at Ellis Park in Johannesburg on 24 June, South Africa defeated New Zealand 15 – 12, with Joel Stransky scoring a drop goal in extra time to win the match. Following South Africa's victory, Nelson Mandela, the President of South Africa, wearing a Springboks rugby shirt and cap, presented the Webb Ellis Cup to the South African captain François Pienaar. Mandela and Pienaar's involvement in the World Cup is the subject of the 2009 film Invictus, and the TV documentary (Very cool!)

Who is your favourite James Bond girl? 


How do you think Byron broke his leg?

Clive ran into the ladies that were there and they heard no evil, saw no evil and said no evil but did indicate through a note to the editor that Gary was in fact present (but helpless as you can see from the image below)

How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?

If the Calcutta was like Survivor, who would be first voted off the island and who would be your favourite to win based on their ability to outthink, outwit and outlast the others?

Probably Jeff – without a ring leader the sheep will follow.

Taylor Swift or Rihanna or Shania?
Yes please (Clive always the polite one)

What is your favourite meal?
Breakfast in bed

What do you want to be doing five years from now?
Same shit I am doing now.

And finally pictures of the lads

Gary Long sporting Adidas skull cap
Clive Cawse
(who me worry?)

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