Thursday, January 24, 2013


Everyone's favourite target, Brent Hurtibise (does anyone really know how to spell or pronounce his name) and I spoke over a cold one at the club

Brent what''s it like having stud partners year after year at the Calcutta?  Well Jeff I am not sure I can agree with your adjective for my partners.  First year's partner left it up to me to make winning shot at 14-14 in match against Sully and Nate and then he was overwhelmed the next day in our match against my next year's partner Norm Crook.

But isn't it true that you could hardly see in that match against Crook/Morton?  Oh I could see all right.  The problem was I listened to my partner and left him all the balls

Hmmm.  Now what happened with Norm?  Well we did pretty well and got to semis where we lost to eventual champions in a good match.

Okay but what are you doing switching back from left to right to left wall?  No comment (later this reporter heard Brent saying to Gerald - yes WTF am I doing switching back and forth?)

What is your greatest weakness? 
I’m Naïve.  When I started playing doubles, I actually thought Gary always knew what he was doing.

What is the most memorable or favourite sporting event you ever attended?  
2012 Smitty.  I thought Byron might die on court.  All bets were off.

Who is your favourite James Bond girl?  
Who else … “Pussy Galore”.   

What are you most looking forward to in 2013? 
Watching Morty crash through the glass at the Calcutta.  This after he hits himself with the racket unintentionally and diving for a ball he had no business diving for. (This from a guy who calls for balls that are not his and then hits his partner L)

What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta
Cass and Richard.

How do you think Byron broke his leg?
Donnelly’s kinda right but I heard Byron attempted a 100 yard dash on a 90 yard track.  Insert final 10 yards here …….

How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta
 Over to you Ivan.  (Good strategy Brent – a man’s got to know his limitations)

If the Calcutta was like Survivor, who would be first voted off the island and who would be your favourite to win based on their ability to outthink, outwit and outlast the others?
 I think Morty is the only surviving viewer of “Survivor”.  He PVR’s it still. (Yes I know how to work a PVR)

Taylor Swift or Rihanna or Shania? 
According to the rule; half your age + 7.  Swift and Rihanna are out for everyone but Paul Kelly and I’m sure they’re way down on his list.  (Actually Paul chose Taylor)

What is your favourite meal?
F**K it…I’ll have first servings on what Bellm is having.

What do you want to be doing five years from now?
Not sure…but I better have something better to do on Sunday mornings at 10am than watch Gary yell at Clive.  Church anyone.

Ivan Hunt

Ivan is a tough guy to catch up with - here he is in his Ivan the Terrible costume.  When asked how he thought he would do in this year's Calcutta he expressed tremendous optimism until he realized who his partner was.  He then clammed up and refused to answer any more questions.

Good luck Ivan - you will need it!

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