Sunday, January 20, 2013

Andrew McBride

Andrew McBride
(Looking Confident)

Andrew McBride
Andrew was originally paired with Ted Charuk.  When Ted realized how talented Andrew was and that Ted would not be able to give his partner any looks, and in fact may be the recipient of the look, Ted bowed out.  Dr. Dick, who is of course used to looking at all kinds of shit, gladly stepped in leaving his original partner gasping for words

Mike Donnelly (in a sweat) after getting the news about Alex returning as his partner
but enough about Mike.  Her's what Andrew had to offer up

What is your greatest weakness? 
On court, Nathan Drew (editor’s note – Andrew is honest) Off court, fast food

What is the most memorable or favourite sporting event you ever attended?
Masters in Augusta  (If you look really closely at the following video you will see Andrew in the background Andrew at the Masters

Who is your favourite James Bond girl?  
Love them all

What are you most looking forward to in 2013?
The new addition to the family (Congrats Andrew)

What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta?
The one we face in the finals (This was before he had Doctor Dick as a partner – but he is still sticking with this response)

How do you think Byron broke his leg? 
I don’t think Byron broke his leg. I think his wife broke his leg. (editor’s note – Byron is investigating this angle)

How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta? 
1st I hope.

If the Calcutta was like Survivor, who would be first voted off the island and who would be your favourite to win based on their ability to outthink, outwit and outlast the others?
Gary Long out first and Norm Crook to win.

Taylor Swift or Rihanna or Shania?
All 3 please

What is your favourite meal?
Deep fried pickles…Not really a meal but man they are good!

What do you want to be doing five years from now?
Sitting on a beach retired but that’s not likely going to happen (especially with a 4 ½ year old)

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