Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dr. Dick and Lefty Donnelly

Dr. Dick - Bad Ass
Seriously great picture of the good Doctor after
climbing Mt Kilimanjaro in 2012

Mike now that you are with such a strong player as Doctor Dick, let's discuss a couple of things.

What do you need to different to have a little more success in this year's Calcutta?  

That's a great question Jeff. Last year things were going along pretty well until my leg's broke down.  Clearly I need a different strategy for 2013.  That new approach includes extensive training with Bill Brock.  If a guy like Bill can develop such outstanding endurance, I'd like to learn some of his tricks myself.

The 2011 Calcutta was pretty good until the Nate Drew crew got a hold of Herbivore and turned him into an absolute mess.  Consequently, I'll be buying Dr. Dick dinner and make sure I tuck him into bed nice and early.

Finally, moving to the left wall means I will spend quite a bit of time watching my former partner play to discover how he hits those winners from over his left shoulder.

 (Clearly Mike has taken some public affairs training recently - perhaps he could apply those skills to day to day interactions?)

Mike talk to us about the cross training you are doing through baseball?

Well I clearly have to try something different and so I picked up this unique weight losing catcher's ball and it really seems to be working.  Plus as an added bonus I can wear the pads when I am playing against Peters and avoid the inevitable long lasting marks from the balls that will undoubtedly be hit at me.

Dr. Dick Casey

Thanks for stepping in and playing in the Calcutta Doc.  If you are as quick on the court (and trust me you will need to be) as you were at filling out your profile, then you have a good chance of doing well.

What is your greatest weakness? 

I have none (Mike Donnelly will be the judge of that)

What is the most memorable or favourite sporting event you ever attended?
Blue jays winning the World Series (man we have a lot of guys who went to that game)

Who is your favourite James Bond girl?
 Pussy galore (Oh yeah!)

What are you most looking forward to in 2013?
Living in New Zealand for 3 months (Wow – you’re a bit of a dag –hope you aren’t brassed off.)

What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta?
Any team with norm crook in it (that would be with the solicitor)

How do you think Byron broke his leg?

How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?
Finals, probably win

Taylor Swift or Rihanna or Shania? 

What is your favourite meal?
 Steak,(Blue), fries

What do you want to be doing five years from now?
Same as I’m doing now, but slower(finally a believable answer!)

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