Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First in First Out???

Alex "I just close my eyes and pray" Falconer

What is your greatest weakness?
Waking up

What is the most memorable or favourite sporting event you ever attended?
IE Weldon high school vs TAS high school rugby game, 1978, winning it we went to All Ontario (sounds like Bruce Springsteen glory days story)
Who is your favourite James Bond girl? 
The one walking out of the ocean (editor’s note – Ursula Andress and she would say no)
Favourite movie all time?
Blade Runner
What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta?
Clive and Gary
How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?
If the Calcutta was like Survivor, who would be first voted off the island and who would be your favourite to win based on their ability to outthink, outwit and outlast the others?
Don’t like the show (really that’s what he said)
Taylor Swift or Rihanna or Shania?
Shania from a long way back
What is your favourite meal?
What do you want to be doing five years from now?
Same thing as now – getting looks from Mike

Mike Donnelly
(seen with his latest MD energy drink)

When Donnelly was first told first in first out he replied "Well it is
possible as I expect we won't be playing Nate and John.

Here is how Mike answered the rest of the questions

What is your greatest weakness?
I have so many I don’t know which one to list….maybe I can get some suggestions from the Calcutta boys? (Editor's note - Mike needs more self confidence)
What is the most memorable or favourite sporting event you ever attended?
Watching my daughter play in the 2012 CIS soccer championships (now that would be cool)
Who is your favourite James Bond girl?  Denise Richards
Favourite movie all time?
Sound of Music (Do Re Mi Fa)
What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta?
Whoever we’re playing in the final?
How do you think Byron broke his leg?
Here’s what Byron told me. “After my wife went to bed, I went to the bar to get a bottle of water and while at the bar I found out the bar tender gives free hand massages when you purchase a bottle of water. I paid $75 for the water and received my free hand massage. After the massage, I returned to my hotel room and realized I left my key in the room. Not wanting to wake my wife up, I entered the room through the bathroom window and slipped on a wet towel that was left on the bathroom floor and that is how I broke my ankle”.
How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?
2013 Champions
If the Calcutta was like Survivor, who would be first voted off the island and who would be your favourite to win based on their ability to outthink, outwit and outlast the others?
As in every tournament Nate plays (when I’m not his partner), he would be voted out first. There is only one player in this tournament that believes he never makes a mistake and all his double losses can be attributed to his partner. This player acts on the court like he knows everything and can be seen constantly lecturing his partner. Based on this analogy, there can only be one person who has the ability to outthink, outwit and outlast everyone in the tournament…Gary Long (Gary might say the same about you big fellow)
Taylor Swift or Rihanna or Shania?
What about them?
What is your favourite meal?
What do you want to be doing five years from now?
Winning another Calcutta trophy

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