Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Frank McKay and Derek Veitch

Frank McKay
Derek Veitch

Frank McKay
1.    What are you most looking forward to in 2014?  My vacation to Italy – see the family homestead on our 25th

2.    Who would you want as your wingman on a night out and why?     The Prince of Dubai – spent 14.8 Billion partying so far – I’d like to get a piece of that

3.    If you could replace one body part which one would it be and why?   Right elbow (stop hitting the ball so hard might help)

4.    What do you think Ray Coates is doing now? Trying to find himself

5.    The weekend of the Calcutta Byron will:
a)    Be too tired to play because of ovulation duties

6.    What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta.  Cass and Tom cause that would validate our team as Cass is so awesome.

7.    Ok you’ve seen the post “Who’s your favourite and why?”  Please weigh in with your answer. 

      Sophia - she sounds Italian

8.    Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?  Walton and Goodwin

9.    Who do you think will win it all?  McKeown and Morton (Mark’s my old partner)

10. What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?  I shot par once (9 hole mini golf tourney)

11. How many times have you been naked in public? Feel free to elaborate.  A few – college days (none suitable for the blog)

12. If you won a million dollars and needed to spend it in 3 months, how would you spend it?  Travelling the world - Egypt

Derek Veitch
1.    What are you most looking forward to in 2014?

     Leafs win the cup

2.    Who would you want as your wingman on a night out and why?     

     Rob Ford, pass the pipe

3.    If you could replace one body part which one would it be and why?  


     Feet, Fred Flintstone toes there a mess

4.    What do you think Ray Coates is doing now?

     Good bet it’s sit ups, that’s all I see him do

5.    The weekend of the Calcutta Byron will:

     I am sure he is recovering from something, maybe tequila

6.    What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta.

No preference, just beat’em all

7.    Ok you’ve seen the post “Who’s your favourite and why?”  Please weigh in with your answer.

     Giselle, she’s an angel

8.    Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?

     Probably mine (lots agree!)

9.    Who do you think will win it all?

     Gary long’s team

10. What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?

     Can play doubles (we'll see)

11. How many times have you been naked in public? Feel free to elaborate. 

     4, best in line at cafeteria while white water rafting, got pants from behind, with tray in my      hand, so had to waddle back to table

12. If you won a million dollars and needed to spend it in 3 months, how would you spend it?

     Beer and trips

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