Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A bunch of right wallers who couldn't get their left wallers to submit a profile

If these guys can't get a simple word doc filled out by their partner, how can they win something as intense as the Calcutta?  We shall see

Nathan Drew

All about Nate!
1.    What are you most looking forward to in 2014?

New baby and Calcutta (at least you got them in the right order Nate)

2.    Who would you want as your wingman on a night out and why?   

Gary Long,   It would make me look so good (all about Nate)

3.    If you could replace one body part which one would it be and why?  

Hand, I would like a robotic one please (stroke me stroke me)

4.    What do you think Ray Coates is doing now?

Is masturbation a good answer? (see question 3)

5.    The weekend of the Calcutta Byron will:

b)    Miss a game due to recruiting responsibilities X

6.    What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta. 

     Any team with Morty on it (seriously?  Come on Nate set your sites a little higher)

7.    Ok you’ve seen the post “Who’s your favourite and why?”  Please weigh in with your answer. 

Sofia, why not?

8.    Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round? 

     Camacho and Crook (now Cook)

9.    Who do you think will win it all? 


10. What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know? 

     Penile Implant (speak to the hand)

11. How many times have you been naked in public? Feel free to elaborate.  

     Unknown (code for can't remember)

12. If you won a million dollars and needed to spend it in 3 months, how would you spend it? 

    2, 250k prostitutes and a lot of cocaine.

Paul Grootendorst

So Paul, how is your new all dessert diet going?  

1.    What are you most looking forward to in 2014?  

     NHL 2014 coming out on PS4

2.    Who would you want as your wingman on a night out and why?     

     A night out picking up ladies?  With a wife and 4 year old at home?  Not going to happen in        my lifetime.

3.    If you could replace one body part which one would it be and why?  

     My acromion– it seems to stick out too much

4.    What do you think Ray Coates is doing now?

Looking for a new job – Apotex is in a world of hurt

5.    The weekend of the Calcutta Byron will:

a)    F – none of the above.  He will attend his weekly hot yoga class and follow it up with a manni  and peddi

6.    What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta.

The team that we meet in the finals.

7.    Ok you’ve seen the post “Who’s your favourite and why?”  Please weigh in with your answer. 

     This is a tough one.  I prefer all of the above in a Berlusconi-esque bunga bunga party.  Alas,      if I have to choose, I would say Shakira...muy caliente!

8.    Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?
     Peters/Chisholm -5
9.    Who do you think will win it all?

     I like Gaudette/James 3

10. What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know? 

     I am actually not a professional squash player.

11. How many times have you been naked in public? Feel free to elaborate. 

     Lost count – how many times have I used the shower at BFRC? (before or after a match?)

12. If you won a million dollars and needed to spend it in 3 months, how would you spend it?

     I would spend it on a new squash club, with a roof that doesn’t leak.

Greg Brechin

Serve it up Greg

1.    What are you most looking forward to in 2014? 


2.    Who would you want as your wingman on a night out and why?     

     Steve Kisil - protection

3.    If you could replace one body part which one would it be and why?   

     Left eye – can’t see my partner giving me the look

4.    What do you think Ray Coates is doing now? 

     Combing his hair

5.    The weekend of the Calcutta Byron will:

a)    Over run the ball (two good answers in a row - who knew Greg could be so funny)

6.    What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta. The finalist

8.    Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round? 

     Gaudette / James

9.    Who do you think will win it all? 

     Morton McKeown

10. What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?

      I have a heart

11. How many times have you been naked in public? 

     Feel free to elaborate.  Before what age?

12. If you won a million dollars and needed to spend it in 3 months, how would you spend it? 

     Divorce lawyer

Dave Peters

Afro Dave

Dancing Dave

Smitty Dave
1.    What are you most looking forward to in 2014? 

     Olympic Hockey tourney in Sochi – another GOLD for Canada!

2.    Who would you want as your wingman on a night out and why?    

      G-Long so every time he issues another “Garyism” that offends the ladies, I can swoop in and apologize for his behavior while explaining that I think he was dropped on his head multiple times as an infant.  A perfect ice-breaker!

3.    If you could replace one body part which one would it be and why?  

     Right shoulder.  Damn rotator cuff.

4.    What do you think Ray Coates is doing now?  

     Sit-ups and crunches after playing 2 hrs of singles at altitude.  Man that dude is fit!

5.    The weekend of the Calcutta Byron will:

Begging Tammy to leave him some strength to live up to his first seed ranking (-5)

6.    What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta.  

     Hate them all equally!

7.    Ok you’ve seen the post “Who’s your favourite and why?”  Please weigh in with your answer. 

     Kate Upton for sure. Love the curves and she’s not 10yrs into an eating disorder like the              others. (a lot of anger coming out of Dave in his post)

8.    Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?  Goodwin/Walton.  Byron’s nutsack will be too swollen from babymaking to get around the court.

9.    Who do you think will win it all? 

      Peters/Chisholm baby! (Colin is no baby - he's 24)

10. What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?

      I enjoy drinking beer with my dog.  He’s a funny drunk.

11. How many times have you been naked in public?Feel free to elaborate.  

     Unsure.  Waterloo Engineering streaking dares were a plenty. (Yes those Chinese engineering students are wild)

12. If you won a million dollars and needed to spend it in 3 months, how would you spend it?  

     Beer, boobs and boats! 

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