Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Rob Bowder and Brent Hurtubise

Rob Bowder

Brent Hurtubise
(yes that's his real name)
Rob Bowder

1.    What are you most looking forward to in 2014?  
     The ice melting. 

2.    Who would you want as your wingman on a night out and why?     
     Tiger Woods – I could take his leftovers (not his seconds)

3.    If you could replace one body part which one would it be and why?   

     Both knees

4.    What do you think Ray Coates is doing now? 

     Polishing our trophy.

5.    The weekend of the Calcutta Byron will:

      Hire Ray Coates to be a Byron clone - after all Ray is a proven winner

6.    What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta. 

    When pressed for an answer Rob responded just you Morton just you

7.    Ok you’ve seen the post “Who’s your favourite and why?”  Please weigh in with your answer.  http://bfrccalcutta.blogspot.com/2013/12/whos-your-favourite-and-why.html

     Sophia –that’s my kind of family

8.    Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?  

     The Leafs (well at least we'll get there again)

9.    Who do you think will win it all?  

     You guys – Mark is unpredictable

10. What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?  
      Mike Donnelly helped out with the answer to this one as he's known Rob for quite some time.  He supplied the following picture as proof that Rob's background is not quite what everyone expects.  Here is a photo from Rob's younger days

11. How many times have you been naked in public? Feel free to elaborate.  

     University days in Barbados playing “squash” Once the rum kicked in the clothes came off. (see picture above for proof)

12. If you won a million dollars and needed to spend it in 3 months, how would you spend it? 

      Women and booze and rock and roll(forget the rock and roll)

Brent Hurtubise

1.    What are you most looking forward to in 2014? 

     A year better than 2013

2.    Who would you want as your wingman on a night out and why?  

     Charlize Theron – I’m not really concerned about a wingman. 

3.    If you could replace one body part which one would it be and why?   

     My left arm.  I might play better squash with the opposite hand.

4.    What do you think Ray Coates is doing now?

    Having and beer with no regrets

5.    The weekend of the Calcutta Byron will:
a)    Be too tired to play because of ovulation duties
b)    Miss a game due to recruiting responsibilities
c)    Hire Ray Coates to be a Byron clone for duties at home
d)    Forgo karaoke and shots for pizza and wings
e)    Win the Calcutta

None of the above. He’ll be drunk at the Calcutta because Tammy won’t care because his boys finally swam like Nate’s do.

6.    What is the one team that you really want to beat in this year’s Calcutta.  

     Gary and Paul.  I want to watch Gary jump up and down and stomp his feet.

7.    Ok you’ve seen the post “Who’s your favourite and why?”  Please weigh in with your answer.  http://bfrccalcutta.blogspot.com/2013/12/whos-your-favourite-and-why.html 

     Katy Parry: her innocent smile would be lost.

8.    Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?

     Trumper and Kelly.  Trumps doesn’t’ want to miss out on drinking time.

9.    Who do you think will win it all?

    Your’s Truly (Brent you best learn that it's not about you - if, and this is a big if, you are to win,     it will be due to your partner's abilities).

10. What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?
     Brent writes ads for Ashley Madison.  Here is his latest efforts

11. How many times have you been naked in public? Feel free to elaborate. 

    This is Canada.  It’s too cold. (can't shrink any more pal)

12. If you won a million dollars and needed to spend it in 3 months, how would you spend it?  

     I’d build an all glass court in South Beach, Miami during reading week.. Only BFR members can play. Cedar Springs must pay outrageous guest fees to watch.

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