Sunday, January 9, 2011

John Rekrut and Ted Charuk profiles

John Rekrut
(he doesn't have a lazy eye, he's just a little lazy)

Ted Charuk

John Rekrut Profile
How do you think your team will do in the Calcutta?
We'll be in Finals

When and where did you start playing squash?
1977 at Hamilton Thistle Club

What's your favourite drink?
Rum & Diet coke (he sure drinks a lot of draft beer for a guy who prefers Rum)

If you could see one group/musician in concert, who would it be?
The Eagles (John's been heard to sing "One of these nights")

Favourite sport?
Favourite golf hole?
Where did you grow up?
Hamilton North end


Other than your wife, if you could have dinner with any female celebrity, who would you chose and why?
Charlize Theron…… she’s close to my age!!

John what's with that squash outfit you always wear?  Well Jeff, the clothes are just getting broken in - especially the sweat band.

Ted Charuk profile
How do you think you and John will do in the Calcutta?  We should do pretty well.  I've guaranteed the Calcutta committee excellent rates for life and as a result John and I have been awarded plus five. 

When and Where did you start playing squash?  1981 at the Olympia in Hamilton

What's your favourite golf hole?  18th at Hamilton

Favourite drink?  Manhattan (editor's note any drink with a maraschino cherry is damn fine)

Other than your wife, if you could have dinner with any female celebrity, who would you chose and why?  Angelina Jolie - she's a prime candidate to become a client

Ted how many times are you going to give John the eye during the Calcutta?  No comment

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