Monday, January 24, 2011

It's a Wrap

Sunday's quarter finals started off bright and early at 9 a.m. with Ross and Peter taking on +5 Ted and John Rekrut.  The 3 game match went 2-1 in favour of Ross and Peter as Peter shot the lights out in the win.

Four fine looking gentlemen
 Quarter final 2 between giant killers Mike Donnelly and Brent Hurtubise against Norm Crook and Jeff Morton didn't go according to early predictions.  Brent fresh off the karaoke circuit (okay maybe not so fresh) played the dot in the I formation employed by his team.  Norm played almost flawlessly with only one error in the match and Morton hung in on the right wall cutting off Mike's attempted passes.  The lads got a little heated in this one but cooler heads prevailed.  Quite a learning lesson for sure - Crook and Morton win 2-0

Smiling faces (taken before the match)
 The third quarter final started late as John Bodnar struggled with reading the schedule and showed up 15 minutes late.  Bods shot the lights out but team errors caused Dean and John to lose two close games to Al Scott and Ivan Hunt. 
Convenor Nate "You know that Bodnar fellow looks pretty thin from behind"
The final quarter final saw Chris Barrett and Dave Peters take on Gord Dowbiggin and Gary Long.  The game featured long rallies and solid play out of both teams.  Gord and Gary won two long games for a 2-0 win.
Stand up straight Chris
Linesman Dave van Wely and Mike Donnelly
"A thankless job"
The first semi saw Norm and Jeff take on Peter and Ross.  This was a battle of keep away from the two shooters and one guy thinking he was a shooter when he, and everyone else, knew better.  Ross and Peter won the first game after erasing a 12-10 deficit.  Norm and Jeff came back to win the second game.  In the third game, trailing 14-13 a controversial let call had that key point replayed (well at least Norm and I thought it was controversial).  The next rally saw Mercury Morton move from the right wall to mid court as Norm went for a ball in the back right corner.  The next thing we knew the match was over as Norm's defensive shot hit me in the back of the head.  Spectators were heard to say that's  the only time Morton used his head all game."  Ross and Peter prevail 2-1

The second semi featured Gary Long and Gordo against Al Scott and Ivan Hunt.  This was a great match with Al's deft hands keeping the ball alive and Ivan cat like in the front.  Gord and Gary shot well and Gord hit the winning shot in the third game to win the match and send them into the finals.

The 3/4 game was dominated by Al and Ivan versus Norm and Jeff with a 2-0 win.  The crowd was okay that this match ended quickly as they were eager to see the final
Norm Crook, Al Scott, Ivan Hunt, Jeff Morton

The final team of Gary and Gord was owned by what I like to refer to as Team Idiot.    Clearly Team I are not that logical in their thinking.  Ross and Peter were owned by the 13 man group lead by bidders Morton and Bellm. 

The crowd was right into this one from the get go with Ross and Peter getting most of the support (except for the questionable let call in game one which resulted in them going down one game versus up one game).  Game two saw Ross and Peter overcome the 5 point spread by finally getting the lead late in game two to force a third and deciding game.  The boys got animated and there was a heated exchange between the left wallers - something about get the frick out of the way.  Congratulations must go out to Gord Dowbiggin and Gary Long for there 2-1 victory and title of first winners of the Burlington Fitness and Raquet Calcutta

The first look that Gord gave Gary in the match

Dean Lloyd (yes Dean was there in case you missed him) ended up winning the individual pool as he was the only person to pick Gary and Gord to win it all.  Congrats Dean - and thanks from all the guys in the bar for the jugs that you picked up.

Following is the full group shot taken at tourney end

Back Row (L to R)  Gord, Gary, Mike, Sully, Mark, Super Freak Rick, Gerald, John Graham, Ted, Al, Frank, Jeff, Ivan, Norm, Paul, John Rekrut, Chris, Rob, Ross
Front Row (L to R)  Peter Naughton, Dave, Brent, Nathan Drew Tourney Convenor, Dave Peters, Peter Lemieux, Richard

Presentations took place in the cafe shortly following the final match.  There was a lot of backslapping and tom foolery and believe it or not, real humility shown by both Gary and Gord (love ya guys).

Gord and Gary with Nate (Gary you can open your eyes now)

Runners up Peter and Ross with Nate and Brent looking on in bewilderment
Norm, Nate and Jeff and Brent wondering where it all went wrong
A big thanks to Nathan Drew for having the vision to try the Calcutta at our club. 

Thanks also to Cameron brewery out of Oakville for the samplers the night of the auction and the donation of the keg to winning team Gord and Gary.

Thanks also go out to Pat and Brad for really great food all weekend. 

And a final thank you to Pasword Protection for providing the balls and tee shirts for the tourney. 

Cheers - it's been fun!

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