Saturday, January 22, 2011

I can't see it

The linesman had an active role in the match between Frank Thomson and Rick James vs John Bodnar and Dean Lloyd.  Lets became no lets, no lets became lets - all very confusing.  John Bodnar came out shooting and hit 12 winners in the two game sweep of Rick the quick and Frank. 

Bedlam did comment on John's game after a great shot and then four bouncer to the front wall "It's the same guy." 

This twosome looks tough -we'll see what stamina Dean has tomorrow after his family reunion tonight.

Peter Lemieux the prognosticator picked this one correctly when he declared before the match "I can't see it" in response to my question whether Rick and Frank could win.  Yours truly felt it was going to be a close match

so long Super Freak

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