Sunday, December 9, 2012


Some of the fellows are not in a group.  Here are the known groups to date

Nate's group (8)
Nate, Dave Peters, Paul Kelly, Andrew McBride, Dean Lloyd, Rick James, Charles Ducotto, Doug Trumper

Nederpel group (6)
Tom, Neil Cawse, Mark Braden, Doug Walton, Brian Maynard, Bill Brock and Mike Donnelly
Group everyone is watching
Peter Lemieux, Gerald Marshall, Chris Barrett, Ray Coates, Chris Clark, Jeff Morton, Brent - Britt - Bright Hurtubise, Mark Litton

Crook group (appropriate don't you think)
Norm Crook, Rob Bowder, Ivan Hunt, Clive Cawse, Steve Kearns, Jim Mallon, Greg Brechin, Ian Camacho

John (I can't believe I lost to Jeff Morton) Graham Group
John Graham, Gary Long, Richard Bellm, Ted Charuk, Alex Falconer, Ed Corbett, Cass Quinn, Norm Gaudette

Calcutta Trophy
(presented to winning players not the winning consortium)

2013 Calcutta is right around the corner


Nate seen fleeing after giving Bowder (defending champion) +3 handicap
Here are the handicaps for the Calcutta, again done by the committee not me so please direct your complaints to Gary Long (Director of Complaints).

Brechin / Crook -8
Coates / Cawse -8
Charuk / McBride -7
Drew / Graham -7
Morty / Kearns -5
Hunt / Hurtubise -5
Maynard / Lemieux -3
Gaudette / Kelly -2
Litton / Marshall -2
Corbett / Mallon -2
Peters / Brock -1
Cawse / Long -1
Nederpel / Camacho 0
Trumper / Lloyd 0
Donnelly / Falconer 0
Bowder / Docouto +3
Walton / Barrett 0
Braden / James +4
Bellm / Quinn +5
Kretz / Clark +5

Monday, January 23, 2012

Thank you and then the money

We were very fortunate that Nate was able to get the sponsorship he did for the 2012 BFRC Calcutta.  Lots of people commented on how cool it was that Cameron's sent a representative each day and provided samples for all to enjoy.

Pasword Protection provided shirts and balls.  Love the design of the shirts - come in Tokyo

Our third sponsor Oliver Racquets was a great addition and we thank them for their donation of the two racquets to the winners Rob and Ray

Winners Rob and G Ray and Tournament Director Nate

So who won all the money?  First place players received $200 each, the new racquet and of course the keg of beer courtesy of Cameron's.  In what is becoming a great tradition, Nate was able to convince R&R to donate the keg to the participants.  Look for more details soon.

2nd place players received $100 each, 3rd got $75 and 4th got $25 or as Gary likes to say "another jug"

The Nederpel group had 3rd place winners Norm Crook and Brent and pocketed whatever the Morton group did not get - somewhere between 1200 and 1300 I believe. 

Our group did do well.  For those who cringed every time our group did the knuckles over the weekend just remember one thing - what would the discussion have been if our not so silent non playing members Cass Quinn and Dave van Wely were in the house.

Winner of the bracket for predicting the outcome of each match was Gerald Marshall who went with our consortium bidding and picked all four semi final winners.  There were 27 participants in the bracket pool so Gerald won $270 which he indicated would be donated back to his consortium to distribute within the group - what a great guy.

Norm Crook thanked Nate and his organizing assistants for his efforts in putting together what was truly a fun filled event.  Many beers followed with me buying the last three jugs and then a few of us going to Gator Ted's for  ---- more beer and of course a Jagger (thanks Norm)

That's all for now - Cheers!

Jeff Morton seen working on his backhand
(and it certainly needs a lot of work)

Wrapping it all up

The final day provided lots of laughs - both on and off the court. Following is a recap of the quarter finals, semis and finals

Norm and Herbivore versus Mark and Chris

The first match of the day saw Mark and Chris get out to a big early lead thanks to multiple drop shots by rookie Calcutta player Chris Clark.  Norm and Brent persevered in two really close games with Brent going for winner on 14-13 and successfully on 14-14
 The second quarter final pitted Jeff and Paul against Rick James and Paul Grootendorst.  This match went three games with mutliple dives, cuts, banged heads, Morton getting hit twice and time outs to wipe up sweat and blood.  Big Paul played really well and made multiple passes on the left wall and overhead winners.  Paul and Jeff won in 3.

The third quarter final found the long lost brothers Ray and Rob facing the most expensive team, Nate and Richard Green.  Richard and Nate overcame a shaky first game to win game two to force a third and deciding game.  Nate's backhand, which is clearly better than mine, produced similar results in the third game and Rob and Ray moved on to the semi finals.

There is no truth to the rumour that Tom Nederpel and Peter Lemieux would not pose with Gary Long and Norm "The Pirate" Gaudette.  Truth is the Heavyweights wanted a shot from afar - they did not want to flaunt their physiques.  In this picture Gary is giving Norm some sound advice on where he wants him to go on the court.  After a relatively easy win in the first game, Tom and Peter fell two straight as Gary picked up his game in the 2nd game and Norm was lights out in the third game.  Apparently Tom and Peter listened to John Graham on what their strategy should be in the match against the Tournament Heavyweights.  (John is now in intesive counselling).  Congrats to Gary and Norm for finding a way to win.

In the first semi final Rob Bowder and Ray Coates faced Norm two tourney Crook and Brent Herbivore Hurtibise in an excellent match.  I was warming up for the semis (actually having a dump) so I did not see much of the match.  Bowder and Coates did win in three to advance to the final. 

The second semi saw Paul and yours truly face the heavyweights.  Norm and Gary's run came to an end as Paul and Jeff decided to do the opposite of what JG suggested. 

The playoff for third fourth was entertaining with Norm Gaudette's touch working.  Eventually Brent and Norm dug in and won two straight to claim third place

Finalists Paul Kelly, Ray Coates, Rob Bowder and Jeff Morton. 

The first game saw Rob's pace beat up Morton and R&R won easily.  Game two was a lot tighter with Paul and Jeff isolating Ray and persevering 15-14 setting up an exciting 3rd game.  Paul and Jeff got out to a big lead and R&R pecked away taking the lead on a deserved let stroke 14-13.  After a passing shot on the left wall tied the game at 14, the crowd erupted.  The final rally was exciting with one ball from R&R almost going out and yours truly hitting into the floor/tin on match ball. 

Congratulations to the two long lost brothers - what a great reunion guys. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Alex Falconer

Alex as a handsome young lad

Alex Falconer
1.     How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?
2.  Who do you think will win it all?
The team that knocks out the second place finisher

3. Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?
Half of teams entered

4.  What is your favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much?
Timmons – Shania Twain Museum, I am a scholar and history buff

5. Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why?
Most favorite is the Burlington Bulldogs Atom team
Least favorite team is the Maple Leafs – I have bleed blue since I was a child and nothing but a disappointment

6.  If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role?      Daniel Craig

7.  Pajamas, in the buff or something else?
Who cares

8. Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25
Not finished my life yet so ask me in 30 years

9.  If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
Paul Grootendorst  - I always wondered what it would like to be tall.

10.  If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be?
X ray eyes

11. Tell us one thing about yourself that none of the Calcutta participants would already know?
I am smart and good-looking

12.  Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)?
You  - Jeff Morton (Alex you wanker!)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Calcutta Draw

2012 BRAC Calcutta Draw

Thanks to Dave Peters for providing the following.  Note the full Sunday draw will be posted at the club.  Here is the draw for first games and Sunday's first games (quarter finals).  The final is scheduled for 3:15 on Sunday
Pozzo/Charuk (+1)
Webb/Kretz (-1)2:30 SAT 
5:00 FRI 
Green/Drew (-2)11:30 SUN
Brechin/Boag (+6) 
10:00 SAT 
Bowder/Coates (-3)
Litton/Clark (+1)
11:30 SAT 
Brock/Goodwin (0) 
Cawse/Bodner (-4)10:00 SUN
6:30 FRI 
1:00 SAT 
Kearns/Braden (0) 
Crook/Hurtubise (-3) 
Marshall/Dowbiggin (+1)
Scott/Peters (+4)1:45 SAT 
7:15 FRI 
Kelly/Morton (0)10:45 SUN
Hagan/Bellm (+4) 
12:15 SAT 
James/Grootendorst (+2)
Lemieux/Nederpal (-5)
10:45 SAT 
Falconer/Donnelly (-1) 
Long/Gaudette (-2)12:15 SUN
5:45 FRI 
3:15 SAT 
Mallon/Cawse (+2) 
Graham/Hunt (-4) 

Lost Cawse and John Bodnar

Talk around BFRC last night was where were the lost Cawses.  High handicap Neil and Lights out Bodnar went for an even $500.  Here are their individual stories

Neil Cawse
(only his hairdresser knows for sure)

John Bodnar
(ready to retire or ready to kick ass)

Neil Cawse
1.     How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?
We will – if you define winning as number of dives on the court!
2.     Who do you think will win it all?
Nathan – he will pocket 20% of all the revenue

3.     Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?
Clives team – he will be so excited to be playing in a tournament he will wet his pants and have to pull out

4.     What is our favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much?
Disney because there is someone more goofy than me

5.     Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why?
Leafs for both – got to love to hate them

6.     If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role?
Ron Jeremy

7.     Pajamas, in the buff or something else?
Google Ron Jeremy ;)

8.     Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25

0 – scared of aids
9.     If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
Clive – Mom always treated him nicer
10.             If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be?  The Blob – he’s one bad ass
11.            Tell us one thing about yourself that none of the Calcutta participants would already know?
Dated a stripper.

12.            Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)?
Gary long playing with Nathan
John Bodnar
1.     How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?
                If I don’t fuck up, Neil and I could go all the way
2.     Who do you think will win it all?
          See above answer
3.     Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?
If I fuck up we could be knocked out
4.     What is our favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much?
I don’t know about ours but mine would be Paris in winter.  No crowds, no lineups!  Parisians are a different people (than Quebecois); more relaxed and welcoming and good-humoured even when we mangled their beautiful language.
5.     Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why?
Toronto Maple Leafs.  Because they are the Leafs.
6.     If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role?
Danny Devito (Who could ever forget Throw Momma off the train or Get Shorty)
7.     Pajamas, in the buff or something else?
Someone else
8.     Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25
I have only had one girlfriend [excluding the Palm sisters] and I married her, never regretting it and I am still in love with my Carol, er, Karen.
9.     If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
          John “The Wad’ Holmes
10.  If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be?
I will settle for x-ray vision.  (I can already see through the back of my head – that’s why I don’t turn around on the court when the ball is by me)
11.    Tell us one thing about yourself that none of the Calcutta participants would already know?
I am a really sensitive kind of guy

12.     Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)?
          It will be a toss up between Gary and Ted.  But I’m sure I will get my fair share of daggers from Neil.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Josh and Richard

Josh Hagan
Frisbee fitness program

Richard Bellm
Who me?

Josh Hagan
Josh as a relatively new comer to doubles, what do you think of the game?  I like it but frankly I am still trying to figure out if I should play left wall, right wall, front or back.  I sure wish I had Gary Long as a partner because I'm told he is never wrong and really good at giving his partner directions. 

1.     How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?
+4? I think we have a shot!
2.     Who do you think will win it all?
One of the teams with a +4 has a good chance.

3.     Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?
NO Idea (well he's telling the truth)
4.     What is our favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much?
We love Cuba for the total lack of Americans (no offense to our neighbours to the south) those bastards
5.     Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why?
Favourite -> Penguins – I’ve always been a Lemieux fan
Least Favourite -> I don’t watch enough to have one but I hear the Habs suck
6.     If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role?
Seth Rogan – he’s a goof and I can relate to that
7.     Pajamas, in the buff or something else?
Half and half
8.     Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25

9.     If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
Lance Armstong – I’d love to know what it feels like to be as fit as that guy is. (Editor's note - it feels pretty good)
10.    If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be?
Power of persuasion…it’s a nice way of getting what you want.
11.    Tell us one thing about yourself that none of the Calcutta participants would already know?
I enjoy wearing extra large shorts on court. ( and we thought you just didn't want to spring for new shorts)
12.     Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)?

Richard Bellm
1.     How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta? We should do well as I paid handsomely for our premium handicap.

2.     Who do you think will win it all? Should be that Josh guy – he has a great handicap.

3.     Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round? We can always count on Nate, the Consolation Queen, to throw in the towel.

4.     What is our favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much? Courtside CafĂ© but I can’t remember why I like it so much

5.     Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why? I love the Canadian Women's Hockey team and am not as much of a fan of the Russian ladies team

6.     If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role? My twin shown in recent flick "Pass the Baton"

7.     Pajamas, in the buff or something else? Some things you are probably better off not knowing.

8.     Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25 There are evidently some I don’t remember – so when I found a good one I married her.

9.     If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? Rob Ford – he looks like he’d be an ideal left waller. (clearly he's been to the left waller convention)

10.      If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be? To never miss a reverse and to be able to block out the noise of the Pot Bellied Pozzo Bird.

11.     Tell us one thing about yourself that none of the Calcutta participants would already know? I really do know what I’m doing on the Squash Court

12.     Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)? All of the above