Saturday, December 31, 2011

Al Let it Be Scott and Dave down but not out Peters

Two fisting Dave "Al stay in the top left corner and I will cover the rest of the court"
(note Al following directions when picture taken)

Al Scott


11.     Tell us one thing about yourself that none of the Calcutta participants would already know?
About 10 years ago I beat Tyler Hamilton 3-0 and immediately stopped playing softball. I knew it was a signal from the Gods to switch to doubles.

12.     Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)?
Charuk by a landslide !
 Dave Peters
1.  How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta? Quarter finals - I do know that I will cover 1000 times more of the court than my partner.

2.  Who do you think will win it all? As much as I want to puke saying it, Donnelly and Barrett

3.  Who will get knocked out in the first round?  Rick New Jersey James and Paul the Giant Grootendorst

4.  What is our favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much? BVI - great diving and naked boating

5.  Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why?
6.  If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role? Tiger Woods - wait I want to play lead in his life story

7.  Pajamas, in the buff or something else? Whatever I am wearing when I pass out

8.  Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25 --
9.  If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? Hugh Hefner - enough said

10. If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be?

OMNIPOTENCE….LOOK IT UP (Dave a man has to know his limitations)
11. Tell us one thing about yourself that none of the Calcutta participants would already know? I use to arrive on time for squash matches

12.    Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)?  Norm Crook will melt Herbivore's face off

1.     How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?
‘Finished 3rd last year….expect to be back in the prize money again with another great partner.
2. Who do you think will win it all? Bill Brock and Byron Goodwin
3.  Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?
‘No way I’m going to answer that… will start a curse like that of the Red Sox - oh you say Brent is a Red Sox fan - then I guess it will be Brent and Norm
4.  What is our favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much?
Sarasota  Fla. location of the annual boys’ golf trip…

5.  Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why?
I’m a reluctant Leafs fan….’can’t stand the Flyers

6.  If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role?
Either Richard Gere (Al's a real gentleman) or , if he wasn’t available  Hollywood Tom Nederpel 
7. Pajamas, in the buff or something else? T-shirt and skivvies

8.  Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25
Hey…my wife might read this ! (26)

9. If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
I’m thinking  Brad Pitt (great choice)

10.  If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be? Green Lantern so I could fly

Peter Lemieux and Tom Nederpel - top seeds

Tom Nederpel

Peter Lemieux

Peter Lemieux

1.     How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?  I recall last year at a -3 handicap and the grind it was getting to the Finals.  Much will depend on the draw & how many frame-winners I can stick in there.

2.     Who do you think will win it all?  That’s easy, the Super-Heavyweights – The Pirate & Never-Wong-Long!

3.     Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?  Abbott & Costello.  (Neil Cawse and John Bodnar)    

4.     What is your favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much?  Florida.  Happy wife, happy life! ($99 out of Niagara Falls, New York makes her happy)

5.     Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why?  I’m a bruised Leafs’ fan.  Least favorite, Les Habs! (and that is why I like Peter so much!)

6.     If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role?  Gotta stay with domestic talent, eh!  Jim Carey…

7.     Pajamas, in the buff or something else?  Something else…

8.     Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25.  One only girlfriend, Cherry.
9.      If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?  Sheldon Reynolds during his time with EW&F.

10.   If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be?
Another homebrew hero, the mysterious powers of Austin Powers. (yeah baby)

11.   Tell us one thing about yourself that none of the Calcutta participants would already know?  My sincere admiration and respect! (WTF?)

12.    Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)?  Tough-luv guy, it’s gotta be Never-Wong-Long…
Tom Nederpel

1.     How do you think your team will do in this year’s Calcutta?  Badly given the points we have to GIVE! (very humble)

2.     Who do you think will win it all?  Team 12 Billy Brock and Byron Goodwin

3.     Predict one team that will get knocked out in the first round?  Team 19 Al Scott and Dave Peters

4.     What is our favourite vacation destination and why do you like it so much?  Hilton Head – golf forever

5.     Who is your favourite and least favourite hockey team and why?  Habs & Leafs (Tom what's your address in Montreal?)

6.     If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the lead role?  Charlie Sheen (one bad ass in Platoon)

7.     Pajamas, in the buff or something else? Always buff

8.     Number of girlfriends/boyfriends in your life:  < 10, <25 or more than 25 -  a few
9.     If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?  John Glenn (is it just me or did Tom chose someone who looks a lot like himself?)
Tom "Glenn" Nederpel
Cape Canaveral

10.   If you could be a super hero what would you want your powers to be?  Nicks on every reverse

11.   Tell us one thing about yourself that none of the Calcutta participants would already know?  1st married @ 19

12.     Who will give their partner the look more often – Gary Long or Ted Charuk or someone else (name that person)?  Donnelly